Source code for brian2modelfitting.optimizer

import abc
import numpy as np
import warnings

# Prevent sklearn from adding a filter by monkey-patching the warnings module
# TODO: Remove when we depend on a newer version of scikit-learn (with
# merged)
_filterwarnings = warnings.filterwarnings
warnings.filterwarnings = lambda *args, **kwds: None
from import Real
from skopt import Optimizer as skoptOptimizer
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin
warnings.filterwarnings = _filterwarnings

from nevergrad import instrumentation as inst
from nevergrad.optimization import optimizerlib, registry

[docs]def calc_bounds(parameter_names, **params): """ Verify and get the provided for parameters bounds Parameters ---------- parameter_names: list[str] list of parameter names in use **params bounds for each parameter """ for param in parameter_names: if param not in params: raise TypeError("Bounds must be set for parameter %s" % param) bounds = [] for name in parameter_names: bounds.append(params[name]) return bounds
[docs]class Optimizer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Optimizer class created as a base for optimization initialization and performance with different libraries. To be used with modelfitting Fitter. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, parameter_names, popsize, **params): """ Initialize the instrumentation for the optimization, based on parameters, creates bounds for variables and attaches them to the optimizer Parameters ---------- parameter_names: list[str] list of parameter names in use popsize: int population size **params bounds for each parameter """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ask(self, n_samples): """ Returns the requested number of samples of parameter sets Parameters ---------- n_samples: int number of samples to be drawn Returns ------- parameters: list list of drawn parameters [n_samples x n_params] """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def tell(self, parameters, errors): """ Provides the evaluated errors from parameter sets to optimizer Parameters ---------- parameters: list list of parameters [n_samples x n_params] errors: list list of errors [n_samples] """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def recommend(self): """ Returns best recommendation provided by the method Returns ------- result: list list of best fit parameters[n_params] """ pass
[docs]class NevergradOptimizer(Optimizer): """ NevergradOptimizer instance creates all the tools necessary for the user to use it with Nevergrad library. Parameters ---------- parameter_names: `list` or `dict` List/Dict of strings with parameters to be used as instruments. bounds: `list` List with appropriate bounds for each parameter. method: `str`, optional The optimization method. By default differential evolution, can be chosen from any method in Nevergrad registry use_nevergrad_recommendation: bool, optional Whether to use Nevergrad's recommendation as the "best result". This recommendation takes several evaluations of the same parameters (for stochastic simulations) into account. The alternative is to simply return the parameters with the lowest error so far (the default). The problem with Nevergrad's recommendation is that it can give wrong result for errors that are very close in magnitude due (see github issue #16). budget: int or None number of allowed evaluations num_workers: int number of evaluations which will be run in parallel at once """ def __init__(self, method='DE', use_nevergrad_recommendation=False, **kwds): super(Optimizer, self).__init__() if method not in registry: raise AssertionError("Unknown to Nevergrad optimization method:" + method) self.tested_parameters = [] self.errors = [] self.method = method self.use_nevergrad_recommendation = use_nevergrad_recommendation self.kwds = kwds
[docs] def initialize(self, parameter_names, popsize, **params): self.tested_parameters = [] self.errors = [] for param in params: if param not in parameter_names: raise ValueError("Parameter %s must be defined as a parameter " "in the model" % param) bounds = calc_bounds(parameter_names, **params) instruments = [] for i, name in enumerate(parameter_names): assert len(bounds[i]) == 2 instrumentation = inst.var.Array(1).asscalar().bounded(np.array([bounds[i][0]]), np.array([bounds[i][1]])) instruments.append(instrumentation) instrum = inst.Instrumentation(*instruments) self.optim = optimizerlib.registry[self.method](instrumentation=instrum, **self.kwds) self.optim._llambda = popsize # TODO: more elegant way once possible
[docs] def ask(self, n_samples): self.candidates, parameters = [], [] for _ in range(n_samples): cand = self.optim.ask() self.candidates.append(cand) parameters.append(list(cand.args)) return parameters
[docs] def tell(self, parameters, errors): if not(np.all(parameters == [list(v.args) for v in self.candidates])): raise AssertionError("Parameters and Candidates don't have " "identical values") for i, candidate in enumerate(self.candidates): self.optim.tell(candidate, errors[i]) self.tested_parameters.extend(parameters) self.errors.extend(errors)
[docs] def recommend(self): if self.use_nevergrad_recommendation: res = self.optim.provide_recommendation() return res.args else: best = np.argmin(self.errors) return self.tested_parameters[best]
[docs]class SkoptOptimizer(Optimizer): """ SkoptOptimizer instance creates all the tools necessary for the user to use it with scikit-optimize library. Parameters ---------- parameter_names: list[str] Parameters to be used as instruments. bounds : list List with appropiate bounds for each parameter. method : `str`, optional The optimization method. Possibilities: "GP", "RF", "ET", "GBRT" or sklearn regressor, default="GP" n_calls: `int` Number of calls to ``func``. Defaults to 100. """ def __init__(self, method='GP', **kwds): super(Optimizer, self).__init__() if not(method.upper() in ["GP", "RF", "ET", "GBRT"] or isinstance(method, RegressorMixin)): raise AssertionError("Provided method: {} is not an skopt " "optimization or a regressor".format(method)) self.method = method self.kwds = kwds self.tested_parameters = [] self.errors = []
[docs] def initialize(self, parameter_names, popsize, **params): self.tested_parameters = [] self.errors = [] for param in params.keys(): if param not in parameter_names: raise ValueError("Parameter %s must be defined as a parameter " "in the model" % param) bounds = calc_bounds(parameter_names, **params) instruments = [] for i, name in enumerate(parameter_names): instrumentation = Real(*np.asarray(bounds[i]), transform='normalize') instruments.append(instrumentation) self.optim = skoptOptimizer( dimensions=instruments, base_estimator=self.method, **self.kwds)
[docs] def ask(self, n_samples): return self.optim.ask(n_points=n_samples)
[docs] def tell(self, parameters, errors): if isinstance(errors, np.ndarray): errors = errors.tolist() self.tested_parameters.extend(parameters) self.errors.extend(errors) self.optim.tell(parameters, errors)
[docs] def recommend(self): xi = self.optim.Xi yii = np.array(self.optim.yi) return xi[yii.argmin()]