Source code for brian2modelfitting.utils

from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
from types import FunctionType

[docs]def callback_text(params, errors, best_params, best_error, index): """Default callback print-out for Fitters""" param_str = ', '.join([f"{p}={v!s}" for p, v in sorted(best_params.items())]) print(f"Round {index}: Best parameters {param_str} (error: {best_error!s})")
[docs]def callback_none(params, errors, best_params, best_error, index): """Non-verbose callback""" pass
[docs]class ProgressBar(object): """Setup for tqdm progress bar in Fitter""" def __init__(self, total=None, **kwds): self.t = tqdm(total=total, **kwds) def __call__(self, params, errors, best_params, best_error, index): self.t.update(1)
[docs]def callback_setup(set_type, n_rounds): """ Helper function for callback setup in Fitter, loads option: 'text', 'progressbar' or custion FunctionType """ if set_type == 'text': callback = callback_text elif set_type == 'progressbar': callback = ProgressBar(n_rounds) elif set_type is None: callback = callback_none elif type(set_type) is FunctionType: callback = set_type else: raise TypeError("callback has to be a str ('text' or 'progressbar'), " "callable or None") return callback
[docs]def make_dic(names, values): """Create dictionary based on list of strings and 2D array""" result_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip(names, values)} return result_dict