Source code for brian2modelfitting.utils

from types import FunctionType

from brian2 import have_same_dimensions
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import Quantity
from import tqdm

def _format_quantity(v, precision=3):
    if isinstance(v, Quantity):
        return f'{v.in_best_unit(precision=precision)}'
        return f'{v:.{precision}g}'

[docs]def callback_text(params, errors, best_params, best_error, index, additional_info): """Default callback print-out for Fitters""" params = [] for p, v in sorted(best_params.items()): params.append(f'{p}={_format_quantity(v)}') param_str = ', '.join(params) round = f'Round {index}: ' if len(additional_info.get('objective_errors', [])) > 1: best_error_str = _format_quantity(best_error, precision=4) errors = [] for error, normed_error, varname in zip(additional_info['objective_errors'], additional_info['objective_errors_normalized'], additional_info['output_var']): if not have_same_dimensions(error, normed_error) or error != normed_error: raw_error_str = f', unnormalized error: {_format_quantity(error)}' else: raw_error_str = '' errors.append(f'{_format_quantity(normed_error)} ({varname}{raw_error_str})') error_sum = ' + '.join(errors) print(f"{round}Best parameters {param_str}\n" f"{' '*len(round)}Best error: {best_error_str} = {error_sum}") else: print(f"{round}Best parameters {param_str}") if 'objective_errors_normalized' in additional_info: best_error_normed = _format_quantity(additional_info['objective_errors_normalized'][0]) best_error_raw = _format_quantity(additional_info['objective_errors'][0]) if (not have_same_dimensions(additional_info['objective_errors_normalized'][0], additional_info['objective_errors'][0]) or best_error_normed != best_error_raw): print(f"{' ' * len(round)}Best error: {best_error_normed} ({additional_info['output_var'][0]}, " f"unnormalized error: {best_error_raw})") else: print(f"{' ' * len(round)}Best error: {best_error_normed} ({additional_info['output_var'][0]})") else: best_error_str = _format_quantity(best_error, precision=4) print(f"{' ' * len(round)}Best error: {best_error_str} ({additional_info['output_var'][0]})")
[docs]def callback_none(params, errors, best_params, best_error, index, additional_info): """Non-verbose callback""" pass
[docs]class ProgressBar(object): """Setup for tqdm progress bar in Fitter""" def __init__(self, total=None, **kwds): self.t = tqdm(total=total, **kwds) def __call__(self, params, errors, best_params, best_error, index, additional_info): self.t.update(1)
[docs]def callback_setup(set_type, n_rounds): """ Helper function for callback setup in Fitter, loads option: 'text', 'progressbar' or custion FunctionType """ if set_type == 'text': callback = callback_text elif set_type == 'progressbar': callback = ProgressBar(n_rounds) elif set_type is None: callback = callback_none elif type(set_type) is FunctionType: callback = set_type else: raise TypeError('callback has to be a str (`text` or `progressbar`), ' 'allable or None') return callback
[docs]def make_dic(names, values): """Create dictionary based on list of strings and 2D array""" result_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip(names, values)} return result_dict