
The package brian2modelfitting is a tool for parameter identification of neuron models defined in the Brian 2 simulator.

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Model fitting

This toolbox allows the user to find the best fit of the unknown free parameters for recorded traces and spike trains. It also supports simulation-based inference, where instead of point-estimated parameter values, a full posterior distribution over the parameters is computed.

By default, the toolbox supports a range of global derivative-free optimization methods, that include popular methods for model fitting: differential evolution, particle swarm optimization and covariance matrix adaptation (provided by the nevergrad, a gradient-free optimization platform) as well as Bayesian optimization for black box functions (provided by scikit-optimize, a sequential model-based optimization library). On the other hand, simulation-based inference is the process of finding parameters of a simulator from observations by taking a Bayesian approach, in our case, via sequential neural posterior estimation, likelihood estimation or ratio estimation (provided by the sbi), where neural densitiy estimator, a deep neural network allowing probabilistic association between the data and underlying parameter space, is trained. After the network is trained, the approximated posterior distribution is available.

Just like Brian 2 simulator itself, the brian2modelfitting toolbox is designed to be easy to use and to save time through automatic parallelization of the simulations using code generation.

Indices and tables