
Unlike more traditional inverse identification procedures that rely either on gradient or gradient-free methods, the Inferencer class supports simulation-based inference that has been established as a powerful alternative approach.

The simulation-based inference is data-driven procedure supported by the sbi, PyTorch-based toolbox by Macke lab, [Tejero-Cantero2020].

In general, this method yields twofold improvement over point-estimate fitting procedures:

  1. Simulation-based inference acts as if the actual statistical inference is performed, even in cases of extremly complex models with untractable likelihood function. Thus, instead of returning a single set of optimal parameters, it results in the approximated posterior distribution over unknown parameters. This is achieved by training a neural density estimator, details of which will be explained in depth later in the documentation.
  2. Simulation-based inference uses prior system knowledge sparsely, using only the most important features to identify mechanistic models that are consistent with the recordings. This is achieved either by providing the predifend set of features, or by automatically extraciting summary features by using deep neural networks which is trained in parallel with neural density estimator.

The Inferencer class, in its core, is a fancy wrapper around the sbi package, where the focus is put on inferring the unknown parameters of the single-cell neuron models defined in Brian 2 simulator.

Neural density estimator

There are three main estimation techniques supported in sbi that the user can take the full control over seamlesly by using the Inferencer:

  1. sequential neural posterior estimation (SNPE)
  2. sequential neural likelihood estimation (SNLE)
  3. sequential neural ratio estimator (SNRE)

Simulation-based inference workflow

The inferencer procedure is defined via three main steps:

  1. step. Prior over unknown parameters needs to be defined, where the simplest choice would be uniform distribution given lower and upper bound (currently, this is only prior distribution supported through brian2modelfitting toolbox). After that, simulated data are generated given a mechanistic model with unknown parameters set as constants. Instead of taking the full output of the model, the neural network takes in summary data statistics of the output, e.g. instead of voltage trace as the output from a neuron model, we would feed a neural network with relevant electrophysiology features that outline the gist of the output sufficiently well.
  2. step. A neural network learns association between the summary data statistics and unknown parameters (given the prior distribution over parameters). The learning method is heavily dependent on the choice of the inference technique.
  3. step. The trained neural network is applied to the empirical data to infer posterior distribution over unknown parameters. Optionally, this process can be repeated by using the trained posterior distribution over parameters as the prior distribution proposal for a refined optimization.


Go to the tutorial section for the in-depth implementation analysis.


[Tejero-Cantero2020]Tejero-Cantero, A., Boelts, J. et al. “sbi: A toolkit for simulation-based inference” Journal of Open Source Software 5(52):2505. 2020. doi: 10.21105/joss.02505