How it works


Model fitting script requires three components:
  • a fitter: object that will perform the optimization
  • a metric: objective function
  • an optimizer: optimization algorithm

All of which need to be initialized for fitting application. Each optimization works with a following scheme:

opt = Optimizer()
metric = Metric()
fitter = Fitter(...)
result, error =, optimizer=opt, ...)

The proposed solution is developed using a modular approach, where both the optimization method and the objective function can be easily swapped out by a user-defined custom implementation.

Fitter objects require a model defined as an Equations object or as a string, that has parameters that will be optimized specified as constants in the following way:

model = '''
    g_na : siemens (constant)
    g_kd : siemens (constant)
    gl   : siemens (constant)
Initialization of Fitter requires:
  • dt - the time step
  • input - a dictionary with the name of the input variable and a set of

input traces (list or array) - output - a dictionary with the name of the output variable(s) and a set of goal output (traces/spike trains) (list or array) - n_samples - a number of samples to draw in each round (limited by method) - reset and threshold in case of spiking neurons (can take refractory as well)

Additionally, upon call of fit(), object requires:

  • n_rounds - a number of rounds to optimize over
  • parameters with ranges to be optimized over

Each free parameter of the model that shall be fitted is defined by two values:

param_name = [lower_bound, upper_bound]

Ready to use elements

Optimization classes:
Optimization algorithms:

Example of TraceFitter with all of the necessary arguments:

fitter = TraceFitter(model=model,
                     input={'I': inp_traces},
                     output={'v': out_traces},

result, error =,
                           gl=[1e-8*siemens*cm**-2 * area, 1e-3*siemens*cm**-2 * area])


  • After performing first fitting round, user can continue the optimization with another fit() run.
  • Number of samples can not be changed between rounds or fit() calls, due to parallelization of the simulations.


User is not allowed to change the optimizer or metric between fit() calls.

  • When using the TraceFitter, users can use a standard curve fitting algorithm for refinement by calling refine.

Simulation-based inference

The Inferencer class has to be initialized within the script that will perform a simulation-based inference procedure.

Initialization of Inferencer requires:

  • dt - the time step in Brian 2 units.
  • model - single cell model equations, defined as either string or as brian2.Equation object.
  • input - a dictionary where key corresponds to the name of the input variable as defined in model and value corresponds to an array of input traces.
  • output - a dictionary where key corresponds to the name of the output variable as defined in model and value corresponds to an array of recorded traces and/or spike trains.
inferencer = Inferencer(dt=0.1*ms, model=eqs,
                        input={'I': inp_traces*amp},
                        output={'v': out_traces*mV})

Optionally, arguments to be passed to the constructor are:

  • features - a dictionary of callables that take the voltage trace and/or spike trains and output summary statistics. Keys correspond to output variable names, while values are lists of callables. If features are not provided, automatic feature extraction will be performed either by using the default multi-layer perceptron or by using the user-provided embedding network.
  • method - a string that defines an integration method.
  • threshold - optional string that defines the condition which produces spikes. It should be a single line boolean expression.
  • reset - an optional (multi-line) string that that holds the code to execute on reset.
  • refractory - can be either Boolean expression or string. Defines either the length of the refractory period (e.g., 2*ms), a string expression that evaluates to the length of the refractory period after each spike, e.g., '(1 + rand())*ms', or a string expression evaluating to a boolean value, given the condition under which the neuron stays refractory after a spike, e.g., 'v > -20*mV'.
  • param_init - a dictionary of state variables to be initialized with respective values, i.e., initial conditions.
inferencer = Inferencer(dt=dt, model=eqs_inf,
                        input={'I': inp_trace*amp},
                        output={'v': out_traces*mV},
                        features={'v': voltage_feature_list},
                        threshold='v > -50*mV',
                        reset='v = -70*mV',
                        param_init={'v': -70*mV})


After the Inferencer class is instantiated, the simplest and the most convenient way to start with the inferencer procedure is by calling infer method on Inferencer object.

In the nutshell, infer method returns the trained neural posterior object, which may or may not be used by the user, but it has to exist. There are two possible approaches:

  • amortized inference
  • multi-round inference

If the number of inference rounds is 1, then amortized inference will be performed. Otherwise if the number of inference rounds is 2 or above, the focused multi-round inference will be performed. Multi-round inference, unlike the amortized one, is focused on a particular observation, where in each new round of inference, samples are drawn from the posterior distribution conditioned exactly by this observation. This process can be repeated aribtrarily many times to get increasingly better approximations of the the posterior distribution.

The infer method requires:

  • n_samples - the number of samples from which the neural posterior will be learnt.


  • theta - sampled prior.
  • and x - summary statistics.

along with the:

  • params - a dictionary of bounds for each free parameter defined in the model. Keys should correspond to names of parameters as defined in the model equations, values are lists with lower and upper bounds with quantities of respective parameter.

The simplest way to start the inference process is by calling:

posterior = inferencer.infer(n_samples=1000,
                             gl=[10*nS, 100*nS],
                             C=[0.1*nF, 10*nF])

Optionally, user can defined the following arguments:

  • n_rounds - if it is set to 1, amortized inference will be performed. Otherwise, if n_rounds is integer larger than 1, multi-round inference will be performed. This is only valid if the posterior has not yet been defined. Otherwise, if this method is called after the posterior has already been built, multi-round inference is performed, e.g. repeated calling of ~brian2modelfitting.inferencer.Inferencer.infer method or manually building the posterior by approaching the inference with flexible inference.
  • inference_method - either SNPE, SNLE or SNRE.
  • density_estimator_model - string that defines the type of density estimator to be created. Either mdn, made, maf, nsf for SNPE and SNLE, or linear, mlp, resnet for SNRE.
  • inference_kwargs - a dictionary that holds additional keyword arguments for the init_inference.
  • train_kwargs - a dictionary that holds additional keyword arguments for train.
  • posterior_kwargs - a dictionary that holds additional keyword arguments for build_posterior.
  • restart - when the method is called for a second time, set to True if amortized inference should be performed. If False, multi-round inference with the existing posterior will be performed.
  • sbi_device a string that defines the device on which the sbi and subseqently the torch will operate. By default this is set to cpu and it is advisable to remain so for most cases. In cases where the user provides custom embedding network through inference_kwargs argument, which will be trained more efficiently by using GPU, device should be set accordingly to gpu.

A bit more comprehensive specification of the infer call is showcased below:

posterior = inferencer.infer(n_samples=5_000,
                             gl=[10*nS, 100*nS],
                             C=[0.1*nF, 10*nF])


For a better understanding, please go through examples that go step-by-step through the entire process. Currently, there are two tutorials: the one that is covering simple interface, appropriate for the regular user, and the one that goes a bit more in-depth by using flexible interface, and shows how to manually go through the process of inference, storing/loading the training data and the trained neural density estimator, parameter space visualization, conditioning, etc.